The City By The Bay
And I set off alone, properly alone this time, to San Francisco, knowing no one and nowhere in particular. I'm an expert at leaving L.A....
The Emerald City
Last weekend, I fled LA once more and headed north, to Seattle, WA, the Emerald City. This time, I had a partner in crime - it's strange...
A North Carolina Christmas
After two weeks of very little sleep and high levels of stress, I departed L.A. for North Carolina via Salt Lake City, Washington D.C....
There’s something incredibly honest about trees in winter, how they’re experts at letting things go
I think I'm more of an East Coast person. Well, at any rate, I love D.C. I think it's a combination of the feeling of being cold again...
1. Leaving is never easy. Heart strings tug and yank and tear as you disentangle yourself from the life you have now. A few things make...