It's been a while since I updated you on my small happenings. So, here goes:
1. New semester, new classes.
This semester I'm taking a public health class on reproductive health in Sub-Saharan Africa, and the International Human Rights Clinic. I was taking Federal Courts, but I decided to drop it and to write a paper instead, under the supervision of the super awesome Professor Achiume, who also teaches the clinic and is the faculty advisor for the International Justice Project. The jury is still out on the paper topic (harhar), but I'm thinking of writing something on the recent SA Constitutional Court decision on universal jusridiction OR the possible establishment of an African Criminal Court. Watch this space.
I am not enjoying the public health class thaaaat much, but I recognise that part of being a good lawyer is having solid facts and information at your fingertips, and I see this class as being one of those 'Facts and Information' type classes. It does get pretty interesting at times, but I'm definitely of the legal persuasion, not so much the public health one.
This semester probably won't be as busy academically as the last one. I've already secured most of the credits I need to graduate, and my GPA is looking pretty healthy (an A, thank you very much), so I'm focusing on what I'm doing and trying to do it well.
2. Upright Citizens Brigade
A couple of weeks ago, Portia took me to the Upright Citizens Brigade in Hollywood. It's an improv comedy place, started by Amy Poehler and others, and it's totally awesome. We saw two shows, 'Guilty Pleasures' and 'Asssssscat'. I've never actually been to see improv comedy before and it was hilarious. In Guilty Pleasures, the cast, for want of a better word, asked the audience to volunteer their guilty pleasures. The girl two seats down raised her hand and told us that she spends the entire day on Facebook, and that sometimes it takes up to three hours to compose a Facebook status. Talk about crippling creative paralysis. One of the best parts of the show(s) was Portia's laugh. She has the most ridiculously distinctive laugh. People who know me, know that my laughter tends to erupt suddenly in a way that makes most people jump out of their skin. Well, it's nothing on Portia's. In fact, I can often hear her laughing from my flat. Oh, and Zach Woods (Gabe from The Office) was one of the improv folks and he was hilarious. I would recite pieces to you, but improv is one of those 'you had to be there' things, so I'll spare you.
3. Santa Monica to Venice Beach
On Friday I was having a bit of a low day, so Nyash (who had taken the afternoon off work - what a rebel) picked me up and whisked me off to Santa Monica. We got crepes (is it lame that my favourite sort of crepe is still the simple one: sugar, cinnamon and lemon) - oh yes, Americans call them crepes because 'pancake' means giant crumpet. We rented a bicycle for me and roller blades for him and set off down the promenade, me towing Nyash most of the way, and trying to avoid pedestrians, especially small children. The light was strange, there was a mist so you couldn't see very far out to sea, and it was silvery. We hit Venice, and I walked my bicycle past all of the vendors and buskers - dream catchers, crystals, paintings, signs, 'bad advice for $1'. My favourite was the people begging for money for weed - 'Don't just skate by, help this hippy get high.' We stopped at one of the piers where people were fishing and watching the sailboats go by, and talked nonsense for a bit, before heading home, past the skate park, me towing Nyash most of the way. Cycling along the promenade is something I've been wanting to do for ages, so I'm glad I got to do it. I can add LA to my (short) list of cities that I've biked in. Oh, and we rode the ferris wheel. All in all, a surprisingly good day. I left my phone at home though because I'm trying out this incommunicado thing at the moment. Sometimes you just need a time out.
4. Conscientious Objection to Valentines Day
As is my tradition, I'll be conscientiously objecting to V-day this weekend with the PILPers. We're having a wine/cheese/chocolate pot luck event. No significant others allowed. No pillow fort plans as yet, but the week is young, things may progress. It's also Katie's birthday on Sunday, so brunchtime! Bring on the mimosas.
That's all the news I can think of at the moment. See? Even in L.A. life isn't that interesting all the time. Missing home very much, and cannot wait to see you in 3ish months. Drop me a line, give me a call, I miss your faces.