A North Carolina Christmas
After two weeks of very little sleep and high levels of stress, I departed L.A. for North Carolina via Salt Lake City, Washington D.C....
Hello everyone. This isn't a proper blog post. I just wanted to let you know that I'm alive, sort of, and that finals haven't ground me...
There’s something incredibly honest about trees in winter, how they’re experts at letting things go
I think I'm more of an East Coast person. Well, at any rate, I love D.C. I think it's a combination of the feeling of being cold again...
Thanksgiving. Possibly the best American holiday. Disclaimer: I understand that the history of the holiday is complicated/prolematic....
Black Lives Matter.
I wanted to write this sooner, but I couldn’t sit down and do it without descending into a rage. Here it is now. I should hope that most...
Open House For Butterflies
Time for more newsy nothing-really's: 1. We had our last Human Rights and Sexual Politics class today. I must say, while I've really...
Oh wild November, come at last
Dearest ones, It's been too long. I'm sorry. What a slacker I've been. Okay, not true. I actually had many, many deadlines last week and...
Last night, KC took me to my first and possibly last American football game! UCLA Bruins vs Arizona Wildcats (yes, like the team in High...
Ghosties and ghoulies and long-leggity beasties
Halloween. #AuthenticMurica Halloween is a very. big. deal. in the U.S. The build-up is huge and lengthy. Shops have costumes on display...
6.3 million
That's the number of people living with HIV in South Africa, the biggest HIV+ population in the world. 5.9 million. The number of people...